
开始使用 Dapr 的 Actors 构建模块

我们来了解一下 Dapr 的 Actors 构建模块。在这个快速入门中,您将运行一个智能设备微服务和一个简单的控制台客户端,以演示 Dapr Actors 中的有状态对象模式。

目前,您可以通过 .NET SDK 体验这个 actors 快速入门。

以下是 .NET actors 快速入门的简要概述:

  1. 使用 SmartDevice.Service 微服务,您将托管:
    • 两个 SmokeDetectorActor 烟雾报警对象
    • 一个 ControllerActor 对象,用于指挥和控制智能设备
  2. 使用 SmartDevice.Client 控制台应用程序,客户端应用程序与每个 actor 或控制器交互,以执行聚合操作。
  3. SmartDevice.Interfaces 包含服务和客户端应用程序使用的共享接口和数据类型。



注意: .NET 6 是此版本中 Dapr .NET SDK 包的最低支持版本。只有 .NET 8 和 .NET 9 将在 Dapr v1.16 及更高版本中得到支持。

步骤 1:设置环境

克隆 Quickstarts 仓库中提供的示例

git clone https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts.git

步骤 2:运行服务应用程序

在一个新的终端窗口中,导航到 actors/csharp/sdk/service 目录并恢复依赖项:

cd actors/csharp/sdk/service
dotnet build

运行 SmartDevice.Service,这将启动服务本身和 Dapr 边车:

dapr run --app-id actorservice --app-port 5001 --dapr-http-port 3500 --resources-path ../../../resources -- dotnet run --urls=http://localhost:5001/


== APP == info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics[1]
== APP ==       Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET - -
== APP == info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware[0]
== APP ==       Executing endpoint 'Dapr Actors Health Check'
== APP == info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware[1]
== APP ==       Executed endpoint 'Dapr Actors Health Check'
== APP == info: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Diagnostics[2]
== APP ==       Request finished HTTP/1.1 GET - - - 200 - text/plain 5.2599ms

步骤 3:运行客户端应用程序

在一个新的终端实例中,导航到 actors/csharp/sdk/client 目录并安装依赖项:

cd ./actors/csharp/sdk/client
dotnet build

运行 SmartDevice.Client 应用程序:

dapr run --app-id actorclient -- dotnet run


== APP == Startup up...
== APP == Calling SetDataAsync on SmokeDetectorActor:1...
== APP == Got response: Success
== APP == Calling GetDataAsync on SmokeDetectorActor:1...
== APP == Device 1 state: Location: First Floor, Status: Ready
== APP == Calling SetDataAsync on SmokeDetectorActor:2...
== APP == Got response: Success
== APP == Calling GetDataAsync on SmokeDetectorActor:2...
== APP == Device 2 state: Location: Second Floor, Status: Ready
== APP == Registering the IDs of both Devices...
== APP == Registered devices: 1, 2
== APP == Detecting smoke on Device 1...
== APP == Device 1 state: Location: First Floor, Status: Alarm
== APP == Device 2 state: Location: Second Floor, Status: Alarm
== APP == Sleeping for 16 seconds before checking status again to see reminders fire and clear alarms
== APP == Device 1 state: Location: First Floor, Status: Ready
== APP == Device 2 state: Location: Second Floor, Status: Ready

(可选)步骤 4:在 Zipkin 中查看

如果您在本地机器上为 Dapr 配置了 Zipkin,您可以在 Zipkin Web UI 中查看 actor 与客户端的交互(通常在 http://localhost:9411/zipkin/)。



  1. 两个 SmokeDetectorActor actors 在 客户端应用程序中创建 并使用对象状态初始化:

    • ActorProxy.Create<ISmartDevice>(actorId, actorType)
    • proxySmartDevice.SetDataAsync(data)

    这些对象是可重入的并持有状态,如 proxySmartDevice.GetDataAsync() 所示。

    // Actor Ids 和类型
    var deviceId1 = "1";
    var deviceId2 = "2";
    var smokeDetectorActorType = "SmokeDetectorActor";
    var controllerActorType = "ControllerActor";
    Console.WriteLine("Startup up...");
    // ActorId 唯一标识第一个设备的第一个 actor 实例
    var deviceActorId1 = new ActorId(deviceId1);
    // 创建将存储在第一个 actor 中的数据类的新实例
    var deviceData1 = new SmartDeviceData(){
        Location = "First Floor",
        Status = "Ready",
    // 使用服务实现的相同接口创建本地代理。
    var proxySmartDevice1 = ActorProxy.Create<ISmartDevice>(deviceActorId1, smokeDetectorActorType);
    // 现在您可以使用 actor 接口调用 actor 的方法。
    Console.WriteLine($"Calling SetDataAsync on {smokeDetectorActorType}:{deviceActorId1}...");
    var setDataResponse1 = await proxySmartDevice1.SetDataAsync(deviceData1);
    Console.WriteLine($"Got response: {setDataResponse1}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Calling GetDataAsync on {smokeDetectorActorType}:{deviceActorId1}...");
    var storedDeviceData1 = await proxySmartDevice1.GetDataAsync();
    Console.WriteLine($"Device 1 state: {storedDeviceData1}");
    // 为第二个设备创建第二个 actor
    var deviceActorId2 = new ActorId(deviceId2);
    // 创建将存储在第一个 actor 中的数据类的新实例
    var deviceData2 = new SmartDeviceData(){
        Location = "Second Floor",
        Status = "Ready",
    // 使用服务实现的相同接口创建本地代理。
    var proxySmartDevice2 = ActorProxy.Create<ISmartDevice>(deviceActorId2, smokeDetectorActorType);
    // 现在您可以使用 actor 接口调用第二个 actor 的方法。
    Console.WriteLine($"Calling SetDataAsync on {smokeDetectorActorType}:{deviceActorId2}...");
    var setDataResponse2 = await proxySmartDevice2.SetDataAsync(deviceData2);
    Console.WriteLine($"Got response: {setDataResponse2}");
    Console.WriteLine($"Calling GetDataAsync on {smokeDetectorActorType}:{deviceActorId2}...");
    var storedDeviceData2 = await proxySmartDevice2.GetDataAsync();
    Console.WriteLine($"Device 2 state: {storedDeviceData2}");
  2. SmokeDetectorActor 1DetectSmokeAsync 方法被调用

     public async Task DetectSmokeAsync()
         var controllerActorId = new ActorId("controller");
         var controllerActorType = "ControllerActor";
         var controllerProxy = ProxyFactory.CreateActorProxy<IController>(controllerActorId, controllerActorType);
         await controllerProxy.TriggerAlarmForAllDetectors();
  3. ControllerActorTriggerAlarmForAllDetectors 方法被调用。当检测到烟雾时,ControllerActor 内部触发所有警报

    public async Task TriggerAlarmForAllDetectors()
        var deviceIds =  await ListRegisteredDeviceIdsAsync();
        foreach (var deviceId in deviceIds)
            var actorId = new ActorId(deviceId);
            var proxySmartDevice = ProxyFactory.CreateActorProxy<ISmartDevice>(actorId, "SmokeDetectorActor");
            await proxySmartDevice.SoundAlarm();
        // 注册一个提醒,每 15 秒刷新并清除警报状态
        await this.RegisterReminderAsync("AlarmRefreshReminder", null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));

    控制台 打印一条消息,指示检测到烟雾

    // 在设备 1 上检测到烟雾,触发所有设备的警报。
    Console.WriteLine($"Detecting smoke on Device 1...");
    proxySmartDevice1 = ActorProxy.Create<ISmartDevice>(deviceActorId1, smokeDetectorActorType);
    await proxySmartDevice1.DetectSmokeAsync();   
  4. SmokeDetectorActor 12SoundAlarm 方法 被调用。

    storedDeviceData1 = await proxySmartDevice1.GetDataAsync();
    Console.WriteLine($"Device 1 state: {storedDeviceData1}");
    storedDeviceData2 = await proxySmartDevice2.GetDataAsync();
    Console.WriteLine($"Device 2 state: {storedDeviceData2}");
  5. ControllerActor 还使用 RegisterReminderAsync 创建一个持久提醒,在 15 秒后调用 ClearAlarm

    // 注册一个提醒,每 15 秒刷新并清除警报状态
    await this.RegisterReminderAsync("AlarmRefreshReminder", null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15));




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