How-To: Schedule and handle triggered jobs

Learn how to use the jobs API to schedule and handle triggered jobs

Now that you’ve learned what the jobs building block provides, let’s look at an example of how to use the API. The code example below describes an application that schedules jobs for a database backup application and handles them at trigger time, also known as the time the job was sent back to the application because it reached it’s dueTime.

Start the Scheduler service

When you run dapr init in either self-hosted mode or on Kubernetes, the Dapr Scheduler service is started.

Set up the Jobs API

In your code, set up and schedule jobs within your application.

The following Go SDK code sample schedules the job named prod-db-backup. Job data is housed in a backup database ("my-prod-db") and is scheduled with ScheduleJobAlpha1. This provides the jobData, which includes:

  • The backup Task name
  • The backup task’s Metadata, including:
    • The database name (DBName)
    • The database location (BackupLocation)
package main

import (

	daprc ""
	daprs ""

func main() {
    // Initialize the server
	server, err := daprs.NewService(":50070")
    // ...

	if err = server.AddJobEventHandler("prod-db-backup", prodDBBackupHandler); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to register job event handler: %v", err)

	log.Println("starting server")
	go func() {
		if err = server.Start(); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to start server: %v", err)
    // ...

    // Set up backup location
	jobData, err := json.Marshal(&api.DBBackup{
		Task: "db-backup",
		Metadata: api.Metadata{
			DBName:         "my-prod-db",
			BackupLocation: "/backup-dir",
	// ...

The job is scheduled with a Schedule set and the amount of Repeats desired. These settings determine a max amount of times the job should be triggered and sent back to the app.

In this example, at trigger time, which is @every 1s according to the Schedule, this job is triggered and sent back to the application up to the max Repeats (10).

    // ...
    // Set up the job
	job := daprc.Job{
		Name:     "prod-db-backup",
		Schedule: "@every 1s",
		Repeats:  10,
		Data: &anypb.Any{
			Value: jobData,

At the trigger time, the prodDBBackupHandler function is called, executing the desired business logic for this job at trigger time. For example:

// ...

// At job trigger time this function is called
func prodDBBackupHandler(ctx context.Context, job *common.JobEvent) error {
	var jobData common.Job
	if err := json.Unmarshal(job.Data, &jobData); err != nil {
		// ...
	decodedPayload, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(jobData.Value)
	// ...

	var jobPayload api.DBBackup
	if err := json.Unmarshal(decodedPayload, &jobPayload); err != nil {
		// ...
	fmt.Printf("job %d received:\n type: %v \n typeurl: %v\n value: %v\n extracted payload: %v\n", jobCount, job.JobType, jobData.TypeURL, jobData.Value, jobPayload)
	return nil

Run the Dapr sidecar

Once you’ve set up the Jobs API in your application, in a terminal window run the Dapr sidecar with the following command.

dapr run --app-id=distributed-scheduler \
                --metrics-port=9091 \
                --dapr-grpc-port 50001 \
                --app-port 50070 \
                --app-protocol grpc \
                --log-level debug \
                go run ./main.go

Next steps

Last modified July 29, 2024: add code tabs for dapr run (33f80b61)