Error codes reference guide

List of gRPC and HTTP error codes in Dapr and their descriptions

The following tables list the error codes returned by Dapr runtime:

Actors API

Error Code Description
ERR_ACTOR_INSTANCE_MISSING Error when an actor instance is missing.
ERR_ACTOR_RUNTIME_NOT_FOUND Error the actor instance.
ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_CREATE Error creating a reminder for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_DELETE Error deleting a reminder for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_TIMER_CREATE Error creating a timer for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_TIMER_DELETE Error deleting a timer for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_GET Error getting a reminder for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_INVOKE_METHOD Error invoking a method on an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_STATE_DELETE Error deleting the state for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_STATE_GET Error getting the state for an actor.
ERR_ACTOR_STATE_TRANSACTION_SAVE Error storing actor state transactionally.
ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_NON_HOSTED Error setting reminder for an actor.

Workflows API

Error Code Description
ERR_GET_WORKFLOW Error getting workflow.
ERR_START_WORKFLOW Error starting the workflow.
ERR_PAUSE_WORKFLOW Error pausing the workflow.
ERR_RESUME_WORKFLOW Error resuming the workflow.
ERR_TERMINATE_WORKFLOW Error terminating the workflow.
ERR_PURGE_WORKFLOW Error purging workflow.
ERR_RAISE_EVENT_WORKFLOW Error raising an event within the workflow.
ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_MISSING Error when a workflow component is missing a configuration.
ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND Error when a workflow component is not found.
ERR_WORKFLOW_EVENT_NAME_MISSING Error when the event name for a workflow is missing.
ERR_WORKFLOW_NAME_MISSING Error when the workflow name is missing.
ERR_INSTANCE_ID_INVALID Error invalid workflow instance ID provided.
ERR_INSTANCE_ID_NOT_FOUND Error workflow instance ID not found.
ERR_INSTANCE_ID_PROVIDED_MISSING Error workflow instance ID was provided but missing.
ERR_INSTANCE_ID_TOO_LONG Error workflow instance ID exceeds allowable length.

State Management API

Error Code Description
ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_FOUND Error referencing a state store not found.
ERR_STATE_STORES_NOT_CONFIGURED Error no state stores configured.
ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_STATE_OPERATION Error transaction requested on a state store with no transaction support.
ERR_STATE_GET Error getting a state for state store.
ERR_STATE_DELETE Error deleting a state from state store.
ERR_STATE_SAVE Error saving a state in state store.
ERR_STATE_TRANSACTION Error encountered during state transaction.
ERR_STATE_BULK_GET Error performing bulk retrieval of state entries.
ERR_STATE_QUERY Error querying the state store.
ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_CONFIGURED Error state store is not configured.
ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_SUPPORTED Error state store is not supported.
ERR_STATE_STORE_TOO_MANY_TRANSACTIONS Error exceeded maximum allowable transactions.

Configuration API

Error Code Description
ERR_CONFIGURATION_GET Error retrieving configuration.
ERR_CONFIGURATION_STORE_NOT_CONFIGURED Error configuration store is not configured.
ERR_CONFIGURATION_STORE_NOT_FOUND Error configuration store not found.
ERR_CONFIGURATION_SUBSCRIBE Error subscribing to a configuration.
ERR_CONFIGURATION_UNSUBSCRIBE Error unsubscribing from a configuration.

Crypto API

Error Code Description
ERR_CRYPTO General crypto building block error.
ERR_CRYPTO_KEY Error related to a crypto key.
ERR_CRYPTO_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND Error specified crypto provider not found.
ERR_CRYPTO_PROVIDERS_NOT_CONFIGURED Error no crypto providers configured.

Secrets API

Error Code Description
ERR_SECRET_STORES_NOT_CONFIGURED Error that no secret store is configured.
ERR_SECRET_STORE_NOT_FOUND Error that specified secret store is not found.
ERR_SECRET_GET Error retrieving the specified secret.
ERR_PERMISSION_DENIED Error access denied due to insufficient permissions.

Pub/Sub API

Error Code Description
ERR_PUBSUB_NOT_FOUND Error referencing the Pub/Sub component in Dapr runtime.
ERR_PUBSUB_PUBLISH_MESSAGE Error publishing a message.
ERR_PUBSUB_FORBIDDEN Error message forbidden by access controls.
ERR_PUBSUB_CLOUD_EVENTS_SER Error serializing Pub/Sub event envelope.
ERR_PUBSUB_EMPTY Error empty Pub/Sub.
ERR_PUBSUB_NOT_CONFIGURED Error Pub/Sub component is not configured.
ERR_PUBSUB_REQUEST_METADATA Error with metadata in Pub/Sub request.
ERR_PUBSUB_EVENTS_SER Error serializing Pub/Sub events.
ERR_PUBLISH_OUTBOX Error publishing message to the outbox.
ERR_TOPIC_NAME_EMPTY Error topic name for Pub/Sub message is empty.

Conversation API

Error Code Description
ERR_INVOKE_OUTPUT_BINDING Error invoking an output binding.
ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE Error in direct invocation.
ERR_CONVERSATION_INVALID_PARMS Error invalid parameters for conversation.
ERR_CONVERSATION_INVOKE Error invoking the conversation.
ERR_CONVERSATION_MISSING_INPUTS Error missing required inputs for conversation.
ERR_CONVERSATION_NOT_FOUND Error conversation not found.

Distributed Lock API

Error Code Description
ERR_TRY_LOCK Error attempting to acquire a lock.
ERR_UNLOCK Error attempting to release a lock.
ERR_LOCK_STORE_NOT_CONFIGURED Error lock store is not configured.
ERR_LOCK_STORE_NOT_FOUND Error lock store not found.


Error Code Description
ERR_HEALTH_NOT_READY Error that Dapr is not ready.
ERR_HEALTH_APPID_NOT_MATCH Error the app-id does not match expected value in health check.
ERR_OUTBOUND_HEALTH_NOT_READY Error outbound connection health is not ready.


Error Code Description
ERR_API_UNIMPLEMENTED Error API is not implemented.
ERR_APP_CHANNEL_NIL Error application channel is nil.
ERR_BAD_REQUEST Error client request is badly formed or invalid.
ERR_BODY_READ Error reading body.
ERR_INTERNAL Internal server error encountered.
ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST Error with a malformed request.
ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST_DATA Error request data is malformed.
ERR_MALFORMED_RESPONSE Error response data is malformed.

Next steps

Last modified December 13, 2024: create new errors topic (263db693)