Richer Error Model in the Dapr .NET SDK

Learn how to use the richer error model in the .NET SDK.

The Dapr .NET SDK supports the richer error model, implemented by the Dapr runtime. This model provides a way for applications to enrich their errors with added context, allowing consumers of the application to better understand the issue and resolve faster. You can read more about the richer error model here, and you can find the Dapr proto file implementing these errors here.

The Dapr .NET SDK implements all details supported by the Dapr runtime, implemented in the Dapr.Common.Exceptions namespace, and is accessible through the DaprException extension method TryGetExtendedErrorInfo. Currently this detail extraction is only supported for RpcException’s where the details are present.

// Example usage of ExtendedErrorInfo

    // Perform some action with the Dapr client that throws a DaprException.
catch (DaprException daprEx)
    if (daprEx.TryGetExtendedErrorInfo(out DaprExtendedErrorInfo errorInfo)

        foreach (DaprExtendedErrorDetail detail in errorInfo.Details)
            switch (detail.ErrorType)
                case ExtendedErrorType.ErrorInfo:


Contains Code (the status code) and Message (the error message) associated with the error, parsed from an inner RpcException. Also contains a collection of DaprExtendedErrorDetails parsed from the details in the exception.


All details implement the abstract DaprExtendedErrorDetail and have an associated DaprExtendedErrorType.

  1. RetryInfo

  2. DebugInfo

  3. QuotaFailure

  4. PreconditionFailure

  5. RequestInfo

  6. LocalizedMessage

  7. BadRequest

  8. ErrorInfo

  9. Help

  10. ResourceInfo

  11. Unknown


Information telling the client how long to wait before they should retry. Provides a DaprRetryDelay with the properties Second (offset in seconds) and Nano (offset in nanoseconds).


Debugging information offered by the server. Contains StackEntries (a collection of strings containing the stack trace), and Detail (further debugging information).


Information relating to some quota that may have been reached, such as a daily usage limit on an API. It has one property Violations, a collection of DaprQuotaFailureViolation, which each contain a Subject (the subject of the request) and Description (further information regarding the failure).


Information informing the client that some required precondition was not met. Has one property Violations, a collection of DaprPreconditionFailureViolation, which each has Subject (subject where the precondition failure occured e.g. “Azure”), Type (representation of the precondition type e.g. “TermsOfService”), and Description (further description e.g. “ToS must be accepted.”).


Information returned by the server that can be used by the server to identify the clients request. Contains RequestId and ServingData properties, RequestId being some string (such as a UID) the server can interpret, and ServingData being some arbitrary data that made up part of the request.


Contains a localized message, along with the locale of the message. Contains Locale (the locale e.g. “en-US”) and Message (the localized message).


Describes a bad request field. Contains collection of DaprBadRequestDetailFieldViolation, which each has Field (the offending field in request e.g. ‘first_name’) and Description (further information detailing the reason e.g. “first_name cannot contain special characters”).


Details the cause of an error. Contains three properties, Reason (the reason for the error, which should take the form of UPPER_SNAKE_CASE e.g. DAPR_INVALID_KEY), Domain (domain the error belongs to e.g. ‘’), and Metadata, a key value based collection of futher information.


Provides resources for the client to perform further research into the issue. Contains a collection of DaprHelpDetailLink, which provides Url (a url to help or documentation), and Description (a description of what the link provides).


Provides information relating to an accessed resource. Provides three properties ResourceType (type of the resource being access e.g. “Azure service bus”), ResourceName (The name of the resource e.g. “my-configured-service-bus”), Owner (the owner of the resource e.g. “”), and Description (further information on the resource relating to the error e.g. “missing permissions to use this resource”).


Returned when the detail type url cannot be mapped to the correct DaprExtendedErrorDetail implementation. Provides one property TypeUrl (the type url that could not be parsed e.g. “”).