Component format
To set up an PostgreSQL configuration store, create a component of type configuration.postgresql
kind: Component
name: <NAME>
type: configuration.postgresql
version: v1
# Connection string
- name: connectionString
value: "host=localhost user=postgres password=example port=5432 connect_timeout=10 database=config"
# Name of the table which holds configuration information
- name: table
value: "[your_configuration_table_name]"
# Timeout for database operations, in seconds (optional)
#- name: timeoutInSeconds
# value: 20
# Name of the table where to store the state (optional)
#- name: tableName
# value: "state"
# Name of the table where to store metadata used by Dapr (optional)
#- name: metadataTableName
# value: "dapr_metadata"
# Cleanup interval in seconds, to remove expired rows (optional)
#- name: cleanupIntervalInSeconds
# value: 3600
# Maximum number of connections pooled by this component (optional)
#- name: maxConns
# value: 0
# Max idle time for connections before they're closed (optional)
#- name: connectionMaxIdleTime
# value: 0
# Controls the default mode for executing queries. (optional)
#- name: queryExecMode
# value: ""
# Uncomment this if you wish to use PostgreSQL as a state store for actors (optional)
#- name: actorStateStore
# value: "true"
The above example uses secrets as plain strings. It is recommended to use a secret store for the secrets as described here.Spec metadata fields
Authenticate using a connection string
The following metadata options are required to authenticate using a PostgreSQL connection string.
Field | Required | Details | Example |
connectionString |
Y | The connection string for the PostgreSQL database. See the PostgreSQL documentation on database connections for information on how to define a connection string. | "host=localhost user=postgres password=example port=5432 connect_timeout=10 database=my_db" |
Authenticate using Microsoft Entra ID
Authenticating with Microsoft Entra ID is supported with Azure Database for PostgreSQL. All authentication methods supported by Dapr can be used, including client credentials (“service principal”) and Managed Identity.
Field | Required | Details | Example |
useAzureAD |
Y | Must be set to true to enable the component to retrieve access tokens from Microsoft Entra ID. |
"true" |
connectionString |
Y | The connection string for the PostgreSQL database. This must contain the user, which corresponds to the name of the user created inside PostgreSQL that maps to the Microsoft Entra ID identity; this is often the name of the corresponding principal (e.g. the name of the Microsoft Entra ID application). This connection string should not contain any password. |
" user=myapplication port=5432 database=my_db sslmode=require" |
azureTenantId |
N | ID of the Microsoft Entra ID tenant | "cd4b2887-304c-…" |
azureClientId |
N | Client ID (application ID) | "c7dd251f-811f-…" |
azureClientSecret |
N | Client secret (application password) | "Ecy3X…" |
Authenticate using AWS IAM
Authenticating with AWS IAM is supported with all versions of PostgreSQL type components.
The user specified in the connection string must be an already existing user in the DB, and an AWS IAM enabled user granted the rds_iam
database role.
Authentication is based on the AWS authentication configuration file, or the AccessKey/SecretKey provided.
The AWS authentication token will be dynamically rotated before it’s expiration time with AWS.
Field | Required | Details | Example |
Y | Must be set to true to enable the component to retrieve access tokens from AWS IAM. This authentication method only works with AWS Relational Database Service for PostgreSQL databases. |
"true" |
connectionString |
Y | The connection string for the PostgreSQL database. This must contain an already existing user, which corresponds to the name of the user created inside PostgreSQL that maps to the AWS IAM policy. This connection string should not contain any password. Note that the database name field is denoted by dbname with AWS. |
" user=myapplication port=5432 dbname=my_db sslmode=require" |
awsRegion |
N | This maintains backwards compatibility with existing fields. It will be deprecated as of Dapr 1.17. Use ‘region’ instead. The AWS Region where the AWS Relational Database Service is deployed to. | "us-east-1" |
awsAccessKey |
N | This maintains backwards compatibility with existing fields. It will be deprecated as of Dapr 1.17. Use ‘accessKey’ instead. AWS access key associated with an IAM account | "AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE" |
awsSecretKey |
N | This maintains backwards compatibility with existing fields. It will be deprecated as of Dapr 1.17. Use ‘secretKey’ instead. The secret key associated with the access key | "wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY" |
awsSessionToken |
N | This maintains backwards compatibility with existing fields. It will be deprecated as of Dapr 1.17. Use ‘sessionToken’ instead. AWS session token to use. A session token is only required if you are using temporary security credentials. | "TOKEN" |
Other metadata options
Field | Required | Details | Example |
table |
Y | Table name for configuration information, must be lowercased. | configtable |
timeout |
N | Timeout for operations on the database, as a Go duration. Integers are interpreted as number of seconds. Defaults to 20s |
"30s" , 30 |
maxConns |
N | Maximum number of connections pooled by this component. Set to 0 or lower to use the default value, which is the greater of 4 or the number of CPUs. | "4" |
connectionMaxIdleTime |
N | Max idle time before unused connections are automatically closed in the connection pool. By default, there’s no value and this is left to the database driver to choose. | "5m" |
queryExecMode |
N | Controls the default mode for executing queries. By default Dapr uses the extended protocol and automatically prepares and caches prepared statements. However, this may be incompatible with proxies such as PGBouncer. In this case it may be preferrable to use exec or simple_protocol . |
"simple_protocol" |
Set up PostgreSQL as Configuration Store
Start the PostgreSQL Database
Connect to the PostgreSQL database and setup a configuration table with following schema:
Field Datatype Nullable Details KEY VARCHAR N Holds "Key"
of the configuration attributeVALUE VARCHAR N Holds Value of the configuration attribute VERSION VARCHAR N Holds version of the configuration attribute METADATA JSON Y Holds Metadata as JSON CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table_name ( KEY VARCHAR NOT NULL, VALUE VARCHAR NOT NULL, VERSION VARCHAR NOT NULL, METADATA JSON );
Create a TRIGGER on configuration table. An example function to create a TRIGGER is as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_event() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE data json; notification json; BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'DELETE') THEN data = row_to_json(OLD); ELSE data = row_to_json(NEW); END IF; notification = json_build_object( 'table',TG_TABLE_NAME, 'action', TG_OP, 'data', data); PERFORM pg_notify('config',notification::text); RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Create the trigger with data encapsulated in the field labeled as
:notification = json_build_object( 'table',TG_TABLE_NAME, 'action', TG_OP, 'data', data );
The channel mentioned as attribute to
should be used when subscribing for configuration notifications -
Since this is a generic created trigger, map this trigger to
configuration table
In the subscribe request add an additional metadata field with key as
and value should be set to samechannel name
mentioned inpg_notify
. From the above example, it should be set toconfig
When calling subscribe
API, metadata.pgNotifyChannel
should be used to specify the name of the channel to listen for notifications from PostgreSQL configuration store.
Any number of keys can be added to a subscription request. Each subscription uses an exclusive database connection. It is strongly recommended to subscribe to multiple keys within a single subscription. This helps optimize the number of connections to the database.
Example of subscribe HTTP API:
curl -l 'http://<host>:<dapr-http-port>/configuration/mypostgresql/subscribe?key=<keyname1>&key=<keyname2>&metadata.pgNotifyChannel=<channel name>'
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